Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Weekly Notes Doodles: Week 9 w/ Bellamear

Bellamear the 10 inches Vampire Butler 

Teaching the lesson of reflective light the hard way...


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Weekly Notes Doodles: Week 6 w/ Arth

To make my notes, for Sketching for Illustration class, more interesting, I drew doodles to demonstrate and how they react to tips, homework, and life stories (not mine, the prof.). So without further ado,                     this week host... THE PHANTOM ART THEIF, ARTH. 

The Lesson Here: "Pay Attention"

Overtime, you'll improve...

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Vampire Butler Bellamear

True Story. His height did not help with his services....

Sweet Magician :: Character Concept

They're pretty much the only characters in Sweet Magicians so far.

300 expressions of Lilo and Stitch

I'm splitting some heads into 3 parts so it's easier to see a closer look of the expressions. 

And here's all of them in one. 

Designing Hair

Some came from resources and some from personal.  

Girl of Chris Sanders style 2

The continuation of girls in Chris Sanders' style. There's still more to come and the best ones are still being edited so don't rush me. 

Copy from his work. 

Not copy from his work. All made-up in his style. 

Also Made-up.

Animals for Inventive Drawing